Diversity/ Inclusion | Other | Participation | ParticipationYEAR
2008 – 2021DURATION
Children and youth from underprivileged neighborhoods in the greater Medellín.The Museum of Modern Art of Medellín, in alliance with Bancolombia, and in coordination with social, educational and cultural institutions of Medellín, develops since 2008, the program The City of Children, inspired by the ideas of the Italian psychopedagogue, Francesco Tonucci, to promote the autonomy and participation of children in the city.
The program La ciudad de los niños is a commitment to rebuilding the social fabric in Medellín and for citizen training through the arts. Its purposes are to make children owners of their own city; give them the floor to express themselves and make their stories, opinions and ideas visible. It is also an opportunity to recognize and experiment with them the narrative forms of contemporary art.
The program is configured in thematic cycles, in which one or more of these methodological intentions are evidenced:
Observe: Identify elements of the environment or of their daily experiences.
Explore: Carry out appropriation experiences of different spaces in the city.
Experiment: Manipulate different art materials and techniques to promote their own languages, sometimes with invited artists.
Tell: Create narrative products and spread the voice of children.
The meetings are held in three peripheral neighborhoods of the Metropolitan Area of Medellín, with 100 children and young people, between 7 and 15 years of age, linked to foundations with experience in each sector: Vereda (or rural road) Granizal in Bello, with the support of the Foundation Huellas, and the JAC of the Oasis of Peace sector; Vereda La Verde in San Antonio de Prado, with the support of the Acoger y Acompañar Foundation (Funaya); Vereda Pedregal in Itagüí, with the support of the El Hormiguero Cultural Foundation.