On the occasion of the exhibition “Migrating Objects. Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas” in the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, the museum offers activities based on translanguaging pedagogy to anyone with a migrant background. Thanks to this educational approach, the program promotes plurilingualism, facilitates intercultural dialogue and favors empowerment, proposing an inclusive and intercultural vision.
Educating about beauty and social inclusion: The Peggy Guggenheim Collection presents migrating objects
Elena Minarelli (Head of Education Department) and Michela Perrotta (Education Department) Peggy Guggenheim Collection - Venice, Italy, Claudia Meneghetti and Fabiana Fazzi MILE Museums and Innovation in Language Education, CREL Center for Research in Educational Linguistics Ca’ Foscari University – Venice, Italy; Discussant/Alessia Montefusco (Artistic coordinator) Dedalus Cooperativa Sociale together with educators and students of the intercultural center Officine Gomitoli – Naples, Italy