Educating about beauty and social inclusion: The Peggy Guggenheim Collection presents migrating objects

Elena Minarelli (Head of Education Department) and Michela Perrotta (Education Department) Peggy Guggenheim Collection - Venice, Italy, Claudia Meneghetti and Fabiana Fazzi MILE Museums and Innovation in Language Education, CREL Center for Research in Educational Linguistics Ca’ Foscari University – Venice, Italy; Discussant/Alessia Montefusco (Artistic coordinator) Dedalus Cooperativa Sociale together with educators and students of the intercultural center Officine Gomitoli – Naples, Italy

On the occasion of the exhibition “Migrating Objects. Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas” in the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, the museum offers activities based on translanguaging pedagogy to anyone with a migrant background. Thanks to this educational approach, the program promotes plurilingualism, facilitates intercultural dialogue and favors empowerment, proposing an inclusive and intercultural vision.